Membership Benefits
Networking with other Chamber members & local leaders is a major benefit of Chamber membership. You'll be kept in the loop about community events and issues through our website and newsletter, and you're always invited to Ribbon Cuttings, Business After Hours, Workshops, Lunch & Learns, Chamber Banquet, Golf Tournament, Clay Shoot, etc.
We offer workshops and programs to keep our members updated on HR and legal issues. Winters Law Firm kindly hosts HR Café (topics covered are requested by participants). We also host HR Roundtable for industry HR Managers. We host a variety of focus groups and workshops targeting small business owners and managers, and partner with our local school district and York Technical College Chester Center to boost workforce development.
We believe it is important for our members to stay well informed when it comes to legislative issues that directly impact economic development and growth. We host a Legislative Lunch & Learn each year to ensure members create relationships with their representatives. We also use social media and eblasts to disseminate information to voters.
Chamber Membership Levels